Stephen Kocsis' Portfolio

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Enjoy this simulation of molecular dynamics within a fluid system

About Me

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My name is Stephen "Christian" Kocsis and I am a Bioinformatics MS graudate student at Johns Hopkins University. I studied Biology during my undergraduate degree at the University of North Florida and since graduating I have over 3 and a half years of experience at the Mayo Clinic of Florida working in bioinformatics and statistical analyses. Upon graduation, I aspire to become a Bioinformatics Engineer and work primarily on developing tools for all aspects of Bioinformatics, Machine Learning and Aritifical Intelligence, Statistical Modeling, Simulation, and Data Science. My passions lie in next generation sequencing data, bayesian statistics, machine learning, and human disease.

I have extensive experience working with R, Python, and Linux/Unix leveraging many publically available, open-source bioinformatics software and tools. I have also worked with many machine learning and statistical frameworks within the Bayesian statistics and Python space to model and solve complex human disease and bioinformatics problems.

Feel free to reach out to me for any inquiries or collaboration at!

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R, Python, Bash shell scripting, SQL, HTML5, CSS3
Docker, Nextflow, Slurm
High Performance Computing, Cloud Computing, Linux/Unix
Git, GitHub
Jupyter Notebook, Anaconda
RNA-seq, scRNA-seq, ChIP-seq, smRNA-seq, proteomics
WGS, WES, Statistical Analysis
Scikit-Learn, PyTorch
Data Preprocessing, Quality Control, Analysis Documentation


LFOmics (Latent Feature Omics)

LFOmics is interactive, user-friendly web tool for integrate multiomic datasets using autoencoder-based feature extraction and perform GSEApy enrichr functional enrichment analysis on top features.


NormSeq is a tool for performing normalization of RNA-seq read counts, written in C++ and callable from Python. It supports various normalization methods such as CPM, TPM, FPKM, RPKM, log2CPM, and Z-score normalization.

Nextflow Pipelines

Developed several bioinformatics Nextflow Pipelines for the analysis of next generation sequencing data including RNA-seq, scRNA-seq, ChIP-seq, and WGS/WES.
